About JJ Goose

What is JJ Goose?


Hi there! I’m Sara, owner of JJ Goose. I am a loving wife and homeschooling mom of 3. My 3 kids are Jonah AKA “JoJo” (7), Jackson (9), and Anna AKA “Goose” or more commonly "Nene" (11), which as you may or may not have guessed, that’s where the name “JJ Goose” derived from.

I am a lover of all things brought on by creativity and am obsessed with pretty much anything DIY. I love cooking from scratch, going on outdoor adventures with my kids, and most of the time you’ll find me with a cup of coffee in my sewing room or out spending time with our goats. That’s right, we also have a full functioning homestead complete with with chickens, goats, pigs and a dairy cow named Daisy.

Not only am I a mom of 3, but I am also a special needs mama. Our youngest, JoJo, was diagnosed with autism in Feb. 2018 and epilepsy in June 2018. In October 2019, Jackson went through the same evaluation as JoJo and also received an autism diagnosis. Once the initial emotional shock of having two boys with autism (and epilepsy with JoJo) wore off, I decided to devote as much of my time as possible to advocacy in any and every way I could, which included raising awareness of the trial and tribulations of a special needs family, starting a much needed local support group for parents of kids on the spectrum, and rebranding/refocusing my company, JJ Goose.

JJ Goose was originally opened in December of 2017 selling handmade children’s clothing. As our lives changed, I started to devote my love of sewing to items my sons could use to help them cope on the day to day, and things sort of took off from there. The JJ Goose brand and direction has become something I had previously only dreamed of. I’m constantly looking for and coming up with more ideas of things to offer and I love to hear feedback from my customers. I am also always eager to work directly with customers to help come up with the perfect fabric combinations to fit their specific style and taste. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me, even if it’s just for a friendly chat!